Sunday, April 30, 2006

So Pete Doherty is being questioned over those pictures of him injecting unconcious girls with drugs.

He's saying that he was drawing blood out of her to use in his paintings. Well, which one is the more disturbing? This man clearly needs help. He's going for regular drug tests, failing half of them, and yet he's still walking around. I think a short, sharp shock in a A cat prison might do the trick.

And you compare his demise to the rise of Carl Barat. I am looking forward to seeing dirty pretty things so much at Reading! While his junkie former bandmate has gone aroung grabbing the headlines for allt he wrong reasons, Carl got his head down and got on with making quality tunes.

Pete Doherty is the Kurt Cobain of the ASBO generation- but at least Kurt produced some quality music. The truth is, without Carl, Pete is nothing and Babyshambles are just that- a shambles. I would never pay money to see one of their gigs as you canot guarantee that they'll play. And I feel sorry for the rest of the band as they are constantly overshadowed by the media circus that is Doherty. I do not undersatnd the hero worship that he provokes in some people. To me he looks like he needs a bath and a cup of tea!

On another unrelated note- I have just discovered The Guillemots. Random as you like- but I'm loving it.


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